Earlier this year, we asked ourselves: does our design and style of imagery reflect what we do? The answer was no.
Dock is a pioneer in the revolutionary Web3 space. Since 2018, we've been building cutting-edge Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials technology. We've been helping organizations innovate by making their documents, certificates, and credentials become digital, tamper-proof and instantly verifiable. Individuals can now truly own their most important documents and regain control over their data using our technology.
This didn't show in our design.
While Dock's development team prepared for a future of decentralization, our design and marketing team embarked on the journey of updating the company's brand.
The main challenge? Being in the futuristic Web3 space and needing to differentiate ourselves from other blockchain and crypto projects, but keeping in mind that most of our clients are SMEs and large organizations.

Imagery That Shouts Trust and Security
Dock’s primary colors are blue (#0063F7), white (#FFFFFF), and black (#000000).

Blue is primarily seen and used in corporate logos, making its business connection and more specifically, the technology industry. Blue is seen to reflect loyalty, trust, and stability making it the perfect addition to our primary color pallet. Blue reinforces the trust that people have in technologies linked to Web3 and decentralized identifiers. Unlike Web2 where trust is established solely with central organizations and DIDs built by them, Web3 is open-source where anyone can create their DIDs. Web3 creates an environment where people trust each other because of the code embedded in the protocol, the environment becomes trustless because users with their DIDs trust the protocol. Dock has built that protocol which anyone can trust. Blue stands for the unmatched loyalty to our community and users, and is reflected in the numerous platform updates we have to Dock Certs and the Dock Wallet App, and new feature releases. Taking on board feedback from our users, we ensure to update and maintain Dock Certs to the highest standard.
All logos hovering on our channels are comprised of black and white. The color black represents sophistication, security, and power. It’s a color that will never go out of style. White, in the business world, signifies a fresh new beginning. The two put together, make the perfect duo to represent Dock. Dock serves organizations into a new beginning in the Web3 world of decentralization and verifiable credentials. We aim to strengthen and future-proof the flow of credentials and data, empowering the individual with control of their own data.
A Designer’s Mind in Web3
Our new imagery and website scream futuristic technologies - Web3 and Blockchain. The use of blue gradients, 3D styling, and textured backgrounds gives us a unique, vibrant, and suave appearance required for a Web3 pioneer. The new graphics give Dock a trendy new look and conveys creativity and innovation in our technology, which is exactly what Dock has set out to do.

Just as the Dock Certs product suite and Dock’s Wallet App were built with the community in mind, our new branding now demonstrates the expertise that lies within our team.
The world is rapidly changing and the old-fashioned transfer of data doesn’t fit the bill anymore. We’ve seen our technology advance organizations' data flows and now our branding will depict these advancements. This strategic redesign will reflect our position as leaders in the Web3, decentralized identities, and verifiable credentials space as we strive to cater Dock Certs and upcoming DID solutions to business and individual needs.
Our products are already capable of serving the largest of organizations to instantly issue verifiable credentials and we are preparing to complete the full circle where individuals can hold and manage these verifiable credentials on a secure wallet app, and finally providing the tools for individuals and organizations to verify these credentials.
With a strong product suite, we hope our new brand style encompasses the visual elements of leadership, loyalty, stability, and a company you can trust. Check out Dock’s new website and admire the new graphics.