Now that we’ve officially been listed on Kucoin, the team is looking forward to what our next steps should be. However rather than deciding by ourselves, we thought it was important to lean on the voice of our community once again.
So far we have had two voting opportunities. The first vote involved letting the community decide when DOCK tokens should be unlocked. The second round of votes we proposed involved what to prioritize next in the app and which other platform you wanted to connect to your account to the most. Today, we are excited to share the third round of voting for our community which you can do through
As you can tell from our ever-growing telegram, the community is very diverse reaching across many countries and continents. In order to better serve those who’d like to use our platform, we are prioritizing translating Below are the following languages to vote for:

Now that the token sale has been completed and we’ve successfully listed on Kucoin, the team is looking towards actively pursuing and completing our roadmap. However, we want your help in deciding on which facet of you want us to prioritize. Here are the following options:

Next Features
Finally, the last vote we are proposing to our community revolves around the different ways you’d like your data to be used. We don’t envision our platform to just be a place where you upload your information. We desire for it to make your life simpler. In light of this, we’d like to propose these four different ways in which your data could be leveraged:

By consistently offering new opportunities to vote, we hope to continue to have an engaged community that is very much involved with the future of Together, we can build a more private and secure networking platform through a decentralized manner. So get out there vote and let your voice be heard!