The Dock team was heads-down in November releasing a new feature which was a crowd favorite, making substantial progress on the protocol, introducing an SDK and onboarding a new partner. Market conditions do not impact our progress and fundamentals are only getting stronger.

Introducing Find My Accounts

A big part of Dock’s mission is helping people control their data and with new data breaches every week it seems, we introduced another feature to better control your digital security — Find My Accounts. Find My Accounts lets you manage the accounts you have across the internet and send removal requests to accounts you no longer use. In the first couple weeks of the feature being live it sent over 40,000 account deletion requests on behalf of Dock users!

Protocol MVP updates

We discussed the POC completion in September and since we’ve been heads-down on the MVP with the goal of executing end-to-end data exchange with partners in the Dock network including instant payments and settlement. We’re thrilled to announce the MVP is just about complete which is a huge milestone. The MVP proves end-to-end operations at scale and will provide the framework for our production launch in Q2 of 2019.


We are nearing completion of an important new feature, the Dock SDK. Blockchain tech is very challenging for most companies and not possible for many as it requires specific skills and experiences most teams do not have. The Dock SDK makes it easy for companies to integrate with the Dock network through more traditional means by abstracting much of the complexities that typically come with blockchains. User experience is not only important for users but for companies/partners as well and it’s a topic we invest heavily in to be able to reach large scale adoption.

SpringRole Partner Integration Live

We’re excited to welcome SpringRole to Dock’s App Network and enable Dock users to verify their education and work experience through SpringRole. The addition of Dock’s authentication will allow tighter integration of our sites, ultimately allowing users to have their verified profile distributed through Dock.

Commitment to Community

With the recent addition of Matt Millen as our community manager, we want to re-emphasize Dock’s continued commitment to building a healthy, balanced community around our project. We believe that this will strengthen not only us for the road ahead, but the global Crypto community as a whole. We are evaluating a few initiatives related to raising awareness about Personal Data Control. We believe this will have a positive impact on an issue that sorely needs addressing.

Your voice is important to us, and we want your feedback before finalizing a plan of action. To be a part of the conversation, please pop into our Telegram or email directly!

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