So far we have had three rounds of voting for the Dock community. In the first vote, the community decided when DOCK tokens should be unlocked. The second vote asked what the Dock team should prioritize on the platform next. The third vote invited the community to decide what language Dock should be translated into next and what benefits/features they wanted.
Now that we’ve successfully integrated with the Dock protocol, Round 4 of voting focuses on portable features beyond just profile information such as writing samples or other apps centered around job searching.
Below is a list of apps for Dock to focus on for future protocol integrations. You’ll notice a variety of categories for different types of platforms that could use the Dock protocol to encrypt and make user data easily portable.

Data Types
One frequent question we get asked about by our community is whether or not other types of data can be made available to their profile. In light of this, we created a list for you to decide which type of data you want us to support next in the platform.

You can vote on these two new proposals by clicking the link below!
Dock: Own & Control Your Personal Data
Dock gives internet users ownership and control of their data and creates more connected internet experiences helping…
Also, here are step by step instructions on how to vote through MEW:
Vote with MyEtherWallet
MyEtherWallet can be used to vote with the following wallets: